Why I built this blog
At first my idea was to create a platform where I could create posts to use as my Portfolio. I, as a programmer had plans to post about some programming projects I would eventually create. Also to talk about programming stuff I would find worth sharing. But since I always wanted to have a Blog and write about anything, this ideia turns into something bigger.
So beside posting about my programming projects here and write about programming and technology, this Blog is intended to me to write about anything I find interesting.
As basically the things I find most interesting and like to know and talk about are technology and science in general, those are the things I will talk the most about. But my blog is not about anything in particular but to write about what I want to talk.
Being honest, I don’t intend to write here very often. But I wanted to have a platform where I could write when my time, willingness and my ideas have an opportunity to meet.
I, Rodrigo, with this little introduction, declare my Blog “finished”.